Frequently Asked Questions


When is the conference again?

January 13th, 2023

Student arrivals and registration 9:00AM

Performances start at 9:30 AM

Conference ends at 2:00PM

Park Center Senior High School

7501 Noble Avenue, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443

Only entrance to the conference is Door L

Parking and student drop off map

How many students can each school invite?

Each school will be able to invite up to 20 students

We have officially extend the opportunity for you to bring more students as we approach the conference. Please contact to invite additional students if you have already registered.

The  conference will be student led - and has been designed by a pre-conference team of students. We are looking for a diverse group of students from athletics and activities in grades 9-12. We want to hear from diverse voices and be inclusive. Please let us know if you need any accommodations so that all students can be included and welcomed. You may also let us know what you need on the registration form. Contact us at if you have any questions or special requests.

What if I need to make an adjustment to my school’s registration?

Please email any updates/adjustments (change a student, update t-shirt size, etc.) to and someone will get back to you within 48 hours.

Will there be a registration fee or cost per student?

No, the conference is being generously sponsored by The Minneapolis Foundation and several other associations in partnership with the Forbes Solutions, Youth Lens 360, and the Minnesota State High School League. We ask that the district provide chaperones for the students and transportation. Lunch will be provided for the students. There will also be concession stands with free snacks.

What is the goal of the conference?

The goal of the conference will be to create a collective action plan to improve conduct at sporting events and activities. 

What is the conference format?

  1. We will be using The G-wave process developed by Insights Discovery ™.

  2. At the conference, students will respond to several big bold themes that were developed over the summer during the world cafes. The G-Wave will help us move from conversation to action.

  3. Students will answer the following questions: What is the goal they are trying to achieve? Why is it an important goal? What specific actions do we need to take in order to accomplish the goal? When we are successful what will they visualize? Who do they need to engage in order to make this happen?

Will you have interpreters at the conference?   

If a request is made we will accommodate a student and make sure we have interpreters at the conference. We want everyone to be able to fully participate. Please make sure you let us know if you need interpreters on the school form. If you have interpreters that can accompany the students that would be great!  

What if we need other accommodations?

Please contact us at if you have any accommodation needs so that we can help you. 

We will be hosting two informational zoom meetings on December 15th and January 4th and encourage you to join those meetings. *Missed one of these meetings? Please contact us at for a recording of the January 4th zoom meeting*

We will also be hosting zoom student champion trainings and encourage all students to attend at least one of the following zoom meetings:

January 9th 6:00pm-6:45pm

January 10th 7:45am-8:15am

January 11th 11:30am-12:15pm

January 11th 6:30pm-7:15pm

All zoom meetings can be accessed by this link:

We will keep adding to the frequently asked list. If you do not see and answer, please email us at and we will answer your question and add it to the list.